Disney characters on top of an abstract background

Former students shape Disney’s stories

Movies watched in our childhoods help shape who we become, and many films and characters created by Disney have become part of the cultural zeitgeist, beloved and passed down through generations. Helping create those integral stories are hundreds of Aggies, working behind the scenes to bring these imaged worlds to life.

While many former students have gone on to work for the Mouse, most Disney Aggies learn their skills from within the departments of environmental design and visualization, both housed until recently in the Texas A&M School of Architecture. 

The Department of Visualization was recently moved to cornerstone the new School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, where they will continue to be a pipeline to the animation and film industry. 

Some of our former students who have worked at Disney and its subsidiaries can be found below, with links to their phenomenal career paths and projects. 

Disney Headers

Walt Disney Animation studios


Pixar Animation Studios


Industrial Light & Magic


Lucasfilm Animation


Disney Parks, Experiences and Products

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