The School of Architecture created the Outstanding Alumni Award to spotlight the extraordinary achievements of former students. The award is the highest honor the school bestows on former students. Nominations are due April 15 prior to the annual awards banquet in the fall.
Criteria for Selection
Nominees for the School of Architecture Outstanding Alumni Awards are evaluated on accomplishments reflecting Texas A&M University’s core values — excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect and selfless service — in one or more of the following three areas:
- Professional Achievement & Career Distinction
Nominees should have accomplished prominence through their efforts in industry, government, education, their chosen profession or other admirable undertakings that reflect positively on the School of Architecture. - Service to Society
Nominees should have demonstrated integrity and a commitment to service by bettering the lives of others through volunteer efforts, including civic, military and professional service or work with charitable organizations. - Service to and Support of the School of Architecture & Texas A&M University
Nominees’ actions and accomplishments should reflect the importance of their educational training, pride in their alma mater and loyalty to Texas A&M as noted through their interest in and support of the School of Architecture and our university.
Nominees must be former students or graduates who were enrolled in a regular course of study in the School of Architecture (or its predecessor academic designations) at Texas A&M University or the A&M College of Texas. Posthumous nominations are eligible for consideration.
The Nomination Process
Any individual or group may submit a nomination. Group nominations must designate one contact person. The dean of the school will hold nomination packages.
Nomination packages must include:
- An Award Nomination Form (PDF), which includes the names, mailing addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of both the nominee and the nominator.
- A one-page nomination cover letter from the nominator (or nominator group representative) that summarized the nominees’ worthiness for being recognized.
- A two-page summary highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in one or more areas: (1) Professional Achievement & Career Distinction; (2) Service to Society; (3) Service to and Support of the School of Architecture & Texas A&M University.
NOTE: Succinct nominations clearly highlighting how the nominee meets or exceeds these criteria are encouraged. - No more than three letters of support from individuals with specific knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments and character. Each letter of support must not exceed one page. Letters of support should address a nominee’s accomplishments in one or more areas used as selection criteria. Nominees may be consulted to ensure the completeness of their nomination packages, as well as to advise on suitable authors for letters of support.
- OPTIONAL: A full curriculum vitae may also be included in the package.
Nomination packages should be assembled and submitted by the April 15 deadline. Complete nomination packages should not exceed 25 pages. Nominees may be notified to ensure the completeness of their nomination packages and may, if needed, advise on suitable authors for letters of support.
Submitting Completed Packages
Email completed nomination packages to
The Selection Process
All nominations will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of nine members, which will include School of Architecture faculty and former Outstanding Alumni Award winners selected by the school’s three department heads. Selection committee members may write letters of support for nomination packets; however, an individual may not serve on the selection committee if they have made a formal nomination. Efforts will be made to retain four to six committee members from the previous year to provide continuity in the selection process. The selection committee will recommend a group of nominees to the dean, who will select the honorees.
All information contained in nomination packages, as well as all selection committee discussions, will be kept strictly confidential to protect the integrity of the process.
A maximum of five recipients of extraordinary merit may be selected each year. If a posthumous award is recommended, the recipient will not be included in the group of five.
Nomination packages for those not selected will be retained for consideration in the year following their initial nomination only if a new one-page nominator letter is submitted, together with one additional one-page letter of support. An updated curriculum vitae may be submitted, but the nominator’s letter should draw attention to significant additional information.
For further information regarding our selection and nomination processes, please contact Deanna Cowan in the School of Architecture at