The CRS Center Ph.D. Scholar Program is offered to prospective students who wish to explore future uses of information technology in design, construction and facility management. 


To be eligible for this program, you must be accepted into a School of Architecture Ph.D. program.

Research Assistantship

The CRS Center Ph.D. Scholar conducts research within the center as a graduate research assistant (GANT). They are expected to work 20 hours a week and maintain a 3.0 GPA.

The CRS Center Ph.D. Scholar receives:

  • A 12-month graduate research assistant position (GANT), renewable for another year based on an evaluation of performance
  • Salary, benefits and health insurance
  • A workspace within the CRS Center
  • Supervision over their research by the CRS Center Director (this does not replace a dissertation committee)

How to Apply

To apply for the CRS Center Ph.D. Scholar, copy your complete application to a School of Architecture Ph.D. program and send it to the address below along with a letter of interest. There is no specific deadline for this application.

Dr. Mark J. Clayton
Director, CRS Center
School of Architecture
Texas A&M University
3137 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3137
phone: 979.847.9357