The Center for Heritage Conservation (CHC) at Texas A&M University supports research into planned and built environments with particular emphasis on cultural heritage, heritage conservation, and historic preservation. Investigations are performed through sponsored projects and professional and academic studies.  

The CHC was authorized in 2005 as a professional center for interdisciplinary research and service projects  covering all aspects of built and natural heritage. Since 1977, Texas A&M University has been recognized for academic and research programs dedicated to the better understanding of our historic legacy.

Our Mission

We seek to:

  • Promote an awareness of cultural heritage, historic preservation, and historic resource management issues
  • Develop, maintain, and administer cross-disciplinary academic programs and student organizations
  • Provide opportunities for students from around the university to engage in center academic and research activities involving:
    • Documentation, investigation, and analysis of historic structures, sites, and landscapes 
    • Conservation of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage

Our Research

The CHC explores innovative approaches to preservation issues. We use cross-disciplinary teams of faculty and students to support historic and cultural resources.

Learn about our research

Our People

Our members, fellows and affiliates come from across Texas A&M University and other institutions. Participants include architects, planners, sociologists, policy analysts, economists, landscape architects and engineers.

Meet our people

Our Publications

The fellows and students contribute to professional and scholarly journals, create research reports, submit drawings to the Library of Congress, and develop case studies.