24th Annual Historic Preservation Symposium

 Since 2000, the CHC has sponsored an annual symposium on historic preservation that attracts faculty, students, and historic preservation professionals from around Texas and beyond.

Designing Performing Arts Spaces

Lecture by Adam Shalleck, FAIA, Principal and President of The Shalleck Collaborative

Friday, March 3, 2023 4:00 p.m. | ILCB Room 205

Before attending the symposium, hear from Adam Shalleck on designing performing arts spaces. Everyone is welcome to attend and no registration in required.

Saving Social Spaces

Geren Auditorium (ARCb 101), Langford Architecture Complex, Texas A&M University
Saturday, March 4, 2023, 8 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Historically, the social spaces where people gather and interact served as mechanisms for individual and collective expression. Regardless of size, scale, or context, these spaces reflected an area’s or region’s cultural identities through explicit and implicit association with form and function. But what happens when internal societal trends or external forces such as the recent global pandemic alter traditional interactions and associations that have come to define these spaces? Our invited presenters will discuss these, and other topics related to Saving Social Spaces in the context of various building and site typologies and their unique uses.


The deadline to register to attend the symposium or to submit a student poster is noon CST on Wednesday, March 1.

There are four categories for participants to choose from when registering:

  • Professional $150.00 – AIA CEU’s/LU’s available
  • Faculty $25.00 – AIA CEU’s/LU’s available
  • Student $15.00
  • General Public $25.00

*Register to Attend

If you have any dietary restrictions please contact Jennifer Robertson (jrobertson@arch.tamu.edu).

* This link is no longer active and has been removed.

Student Research and Project Poster Session

The Center for Heritage Conservation encourages attending students to submit posters on new and emerging preservation projects and research. The student poster session will be displayed throughout the symposium, with time provided during lunch to discuss their research with symposium participants and attendees. Posters need to be 36″x24″ (landscape orientation) and should be printed ahead of time and brought to the symposium for display. Thumbtacks will be provided.

Following the student poster session and before the afternoon sessions, participants and attendees are invited to attend the Texas Chapter of the Association for Presentation Technology International (APT Texas) for their Annual Meeting. Please note you do not need to be an APTI member to attend the APT Texas Meeting.


Saturday, March 4, 2023 (all times CST)

08:00 a.m. | Registrant Check-in and Breakfast (Geren Auditorium)

09:00 a.m. | Welcome and IntroductionAndrew Billingsley, Director of the Center for Heritage Conservation, Texas A&M University, and President of APT Texas

09:10 a.m. | One – Theaters: Adam Shalleck, FAIA, Principal and President of The Shalleck Collaborative

10:00 a.m. | Two – DancehallsPatrick Sparks, PE, President of Sparks Engineering inc., and Expert Member of ISCARSAH

10:50 a.m. | Break (20 Minutes)

11:10 a.m. | Three – Sports Stadiums: Derek O’Hara, Special Project Director at Elysian Park Planning

12:00 p.m. | Lunch

12:45 p.m. | Student Poster Session

01:15 p.m. | APT Texas Annual Meeting

02:00 p.m. | Four – Downtown Bryan: Eva Read-Warden, AIA, and Mike Record, AIA, Principals at The Arkitex Studio, and representatives from the City of Bryan

02:50 p.m. | Five – Dallas Social Spaces: David Preziosi, FAICP, Executive Director of Texas Historical Foundation

03:40 p.m. | Panel Discussion & Questions

03:55 p.m. | Closing Remarks: Andrew Billingsley, Director of the Center for Heritage Conservation, Texas A&M University, and President of APT Texas

04:00 p.m. | Adjourn

CHC Symposium Code of Conduct

The CHC has a zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment by participants, and we reserve the right to excuse participants from the virtual event should unacceptable behavior take place.

Examples of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to:

Harassment of any form, such as inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language; unwelcome jokes or comments; unwanted attention; offensive images; photography without permission; and threatening any attendee, speaker, volunteer, CHC faculty and staff member, or other meeting guest.

Discrimination of any form, such as inappropriate actions or statements related to race, physical appearance, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability status, political affiliation, religion, nationality, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, educational background, and/or any other characteristic protected by law.

Verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, CHC faculty and staff member service, or other meeting guest.

Disruption of presentations at sessions.

If you experience profiling or harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, the CHC asks that you inform either Director Andrew Billingsley (abillingsley@tamu.edu) or other CHC Faculty and Staff so that we can take the appropriate action.

This code is adapted from the Society of Architectural Historians and Vernacular Architecture Forum Codes of Conference Conduct.