Construction Science Internships
Internships enhance classroom learning through real-world experience. During your internship, you’ll be exposed to multiple construction management processes, including:
- Planning and scheduling
- Document administration
- Material procedure
Undergraduate learning, professional training
All upper-level undergraduate students in the School of Architecture are required to spend one semester away either studying abroad, at another university, or on a professional internship.
Every construction science undergraduate student must complete an internship. A single internship can meet both the college’s semester away and the department’s internship requirements.
There are two undergraduate course numbers for internships:
COSC 484 – Summer Internship
- Minimum 400-hour work program
- 10 weeks required, 3 credit hours
- Does not satisfy School of Architecture semester away requirement
COSC 494 – Professional Internship
- Minimum 600-hour work program
- 15 weeks required, 7 credit hours
- Must be taken in spring or fall semester
- Satisfies School of Architecture semester away requirement
A completed internship is a prerequisite for several 400-level courses. It is recommended that students take their internship in the second semester of their junior year. Internships cannot be taken during the semester prior to graduation.
Internships must be satisfied by continuous employment with a single employer. All internships are writing-intensive courses. As part of the program’s curriculum, students are required to submit weekly reports that are graded for content, clarity, and completeness.
Requirements & Agreements
Students must intern for employers who have completed a Master Internship Agreement with Texas A&M University. If a student wants to work for a company that does not have a Master Internship Agreement, they should contact the Industry Relations Office to determine if the proposed company can complete one. An Individual Internship Agreement must be submitted for approval before beginning an internship.
Contact the Industry Relations Office at 979.862.7354 or for more information.
A listing of qualified employers is available from the Industry Relations Office.
Contact Information
Any questions or inquiries about the internship program should be directed to:
Hernan Guerra Santos
Industry Relations Coordinator; Senior Lecturer
979.458.0156 Email Hernan Guerra SantosTonya Kidwell
Administrative Coordinator – Industry Relations Coordinator Assistant
979.862.7354 Email Tonya Kidwell