In order for all faculty, staff, students, and former students in the Department of Architecture at Texas A&M University to genuinely flourish and contest our discipline and profession’s complicit history and lack of action in the past, the Department will hold as essential, fundamental, invaluable, and undeniable the principles and practices of civil, social, environmental, and racial justice and equity; a diversity of voices, bodies, and cultures; and the inclusion of historically oppressed groups and individuals.
The Department will commit to a diverse and inclusive educational and rich academic climate in which all faculty, staff, students, former students, and guests feel valued throughout our programs, activities, events, policies, and services.
The Department will commit to fostering and cultivating a community of engaged scholars, practitioners, and students where multiplicities of worldviews, perspectives, ideas, and faiths continually promote a culture of wellbeing, empathy, and human rights to everyone.
The Department administration will commit to implementing an actionable approach to recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new faculty and staff and mentoring and supporting new and current faculty and staff to ensure a just and equitable working environment.
The Department administration and faculty will commit to integrating anti-racism and anti-discrimination principles and practices throughout all course offerings at the undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. levels.
The Department staff will create a consistently welcoming academic environment where all administrators, faculty, and students feel heard, respected, and valued in all formal and informal interactions.
The Department will commit to instill and cultivate students’ attitudes and actions that reflect a deep understanding of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as imperative to a successful academic experience.
The Department will commit to call-out and hold accountable all individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions whose words, acts, and/or attitudes promote hate, racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, ableism, or in any way discriminate against, demean, marginalize, exclude, or otherwise target individuals and/or groups upon the bases of (but not limited to): race, ethnicity, country of origin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith, neurodiversity, disability, economic status, political affiliation, and/or any other basis rooted in perceptions of difference.