Transportation Planning Certificate

The Transportation Planning Certificate provides students with the education and training needed to address professional challenges in 21st-century transportation. 

Students with this certificate enter fields in:

  • Multimodal Systems Planning
  • Transportation and Urban Design
  • Public Policy
  • Transit Management

The Transportation Planning Certificate is offered through a collaborative partnership between the School of Architecture, the College of Engineering, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, and the Bush School of Government and Public Service. The certificate is open to all graduate students at Texas A&M University.



PLAN 612Transportation in City Planning3
PLAN 678Applied Transportation Studio: Site Planning and Traffic Impact3

Select a focus area:

Focus Area: Multimodal Systems Planning

Listing ClassCredits
PLAN 670Urban Public Transportation Planning3

Select two of the following courses:

CVEN 618Traffic Engineering: Operations3
CVEN 672Engineering and Urban Transportation Systems3
PLAN 626Advanced GIS in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning3
PLAN 650Disaster Response Planning3
PLAN 673Design for Sustainable Transportation3
PLAN 674Transportation System Analysis3
PLAN 676Transportation Investment Decisions

Focus Area: Transportation and Urban Design

PLAN 673Design for Sustainable Transportation 3

Select two of the following courses:

CVEN 617Traffic Engineering: Characteristics3
CVEN 618Traffic Engineering: Operations3
CVEN 635Street and Highway Design3
CVEN 672Engineering and Urban Transportation Systems3
PLAN 670Urban Public Transportation Planning3
PLAN 674Transportation System Analysis3
PLAN 676Transportation Investment Decisions3

Focus Area: Transportation Planning and Public Policy

PLAN 676Transportation Investment Decisions3

Select two of the following courses:

PSAA 611Public Policy Formation3
PSAA 616Managing Workplace Diversity in Public and Nonprofit Organizations3
PSAA 617U.S. State and Local Government: Institutions and Policy3
PSAA 622Public Finance3
PSAA 634Public Management3
PSAA 650Disaster Response Planning3

Focus Area: Transit Management

Select one of the following courses:

PLAN 670Urban Public Transportation Planning3
PLAN 673Design for Sustainable Transportation3

Select one of the following courses:

CVEN 618Traffic Engineering: Operations3
CVEN 632Transportation Engineering: Economics3
CVEN 672Engineering and Urban Transportation Systems3
PLAN 674Transportation System Analysis3

Select one of the following courses:

MGMT 630Behavior in Organizations3
MGMT 639Negotiations in Competitive Environments3
MGMT 655Survey of Management3
MGMT 658Managing Projects3
MGMT 675Leadership in Organizations3
PLAN 676Transportation Investment Decisions3
PSAA 611Public Policy Formation3
PSAA 622Public Finance3
PSAA 634Public Management3
PSAA 636Grant and Project Management in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors3
PSAA 648Performance Management in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors3

The Transportation Planning Certificate includes at least 15 hours of coursework.

View program requirements

Contact Information

View profile

Wei Li

Associate Professor; Founding Director of ENDEAVR Institute

979.845.2608 Email Wei Li