The Langford MakerPlace is an open-use and general working area meant for students, faculty, and staff.
The MakerPlace is a place for creatively making a project of almost any kind. We provide 3D printing services and equipment, including:
- Large roller paper cutter
- Heavy-duty material cutter (will cut things such as canvas, foamboard, cardboard, etc.)
- Workbenches with non-power tools
Langford A Room 107B
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
NOTICE: The MakerPlace will be closed from July 18–22. It will reopen July 25.
3D Printing
We provide 3D printing services available for use by students, faculty, and the general public. The pricing is based on the type of material used and print time; a discount is offered to School of Architecture students. Printing will begin after you have completed payment for the project.
How to make a 3D print
- Step 1: Submit your file if you are on the campus network or are on the campus VPN, or email your STL file(s) to
- Step 2: The team will process your file(s) and send a preview along with a price estimate
- Step 3: An invoice and payment instructions will be emailed to you. Once your payment has been confirmed, your print will be started (between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday)
- Step 4: You will be emailed when your print is finished and ready for pickup
Other Services
Laser Cutting
We have seven laser cutters in two locations that can cut materials from wood and paper to acrylic, glass, and other materials.